how to find a family doctor in montreal

 There are several ways to find a family doctor in Montreal. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Check with your provincial health insurance program (RAMQ) - they have a directory of doctors accepting new patients. You can search online or call their toll-free number at 1-800-561-9749.

  2. Contact your local CLSC (Centre local de services communautaires) - they may have a list of doctors in your area who are accepting new patients. You can find your local CLSC through the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services website.

  3. Use an online directory such as the one provided by the College of Physicians of Quebec. You can search for family doctors by location and specialty. The directory also provides information on a doctor's education, training, and languages spoken.

  4. Ask for referrals from friends, family, or coworkers who live in Montreal. They may be able to recommend a doctor who they trust and who is accepting new patients.

  5. Consider using a private health care clinic, such as Medisys or Appletree Medical Group. These clinics often have family doctors on staff who are accepting new patients, but you may need to pay a fee for their services.

Remember that finding a family doctor can sometimes take time, especially if you have specific requirements (such as a doctor who speaks a certain language). It's important to be patient and persistent in your search.

Sure, here are some more specific steps you can take to find a family doctor in Montreal:

  1. Check with your provincial health insurance program (RAMQ)
  • Visit the RAMQ website and use their online directory to search for a family doctor in your area
  • Call their toll-free number at 1-800-561-9749 and ask for a list of doctors accepting new patients
  • Note that some doctors may have a waiting list, so it's important to start your search early
  1. Contact your local CLSC (Centre local de services communautaires)
  • Find your local CLSC on the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services website
  • Ask if they have a list of family doctors in your area who are accepting new patients
  • If they don't have a list, they may be able to provide you with other resources for finding a doctor
  1. Use an online directory
  • Visit the College of Physicians of Quebec website and use their directory to search for family doctors in your area
  • You can search by location, specialty, and language spoken
  • The directory also provides information on a doctor's education and training, which can be helpful in making your decision
  1. Ask for referrals
  • Ask friends, family, or coworkers who live in Montreal if they can recommend a family doctor
  • Consider joining local Facebook groups or online forums to ask for recommendations from the community
  1. Consider using a private health care clinic
  • Research private health care clinics in your area, such as Medisys or Appletree Medical Group
  • Check if they have family doctors on staff who are accepting new patients
  • Note that private clinics may charge a fee for their services, so make sure to inquire about costs beforehand

Remember that finding a family doctor can take time, so don't get discouraged if you don't find someone right away. Be persistent and keep searching until you find a doctor who meets your needs.


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